Amigos' partnership with NISO extends Library Standards Alliance membership to all Amigos libraries and adds to a full schedule of free continuing education available to all member library staff. Members are invited to attend the May 8th webinar on Indigenous librarianship. NISO makes it easy for Amigos members to receive notice of webinars. Register to be the designated webinar contact for your institution and automatically receive Zoom sign-on information directly from NISO for all webinars and then share the information with staff and colleagues. This next session of NISO's monthly webinar series will take a look at library practices that respect and preserve the knowledge, perspectives, and cultural heritage of Indigenous peoples: Indigenous-specific collections development; Indigenous librarianship Wednesday, May 8, 10:00 am–11:00 am CDT Indigenous knowledge and library practices require cultural sensitivity and respectful, authentic collaboration to build, manage, and preserve collections that honor heritage. This program will discuss best practices, ethical considerations, and the complexities of Indigenous librarianship. The goal is to impart the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure the appropriate representation and protection of Indigenous voices, perspectives, and traditional knowledge in library collections. Learn how to understand intellectual property rights, community-based practices, and how a culturally sensitive approach fosters respect, inclusivity, and productive collaboration. Confirmed speakers: Michelle Chouteau (Cheyenne/Arapaho), Collections Manager and Registrar, First Americans Museum, Melissa Stoner (Diné), Native American Studies Librarian, UC Berkeley, and Allison Waukau (Menominee/Navajo), President, American Indian Library Association and Tribal Liaison and Native Relations Coordinator, Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities. The Education Program Committee lead and moderator for this program is Katherine Witzig (Choctaw), Library Administrative Assistant, Oklahoma City University, and NISO Plus 2024 Scholarship Awardee.