Coming Soon -- Amigos Community Conversations: Sustaining Open Education Programs

Register now to join March 22nd for the next installment in the Amigos Community Conversations series. Developed for member libraries, Community Conversations provide a safe space to engage in discussions about the topics and trends evolving in libraries today with experienced facilitators and other Amigos member library staff. This discussion on Sustaining Open Education Programs will encompass the long-term planning for both growing and sustaining open education programs. Open education programs are those that use resources, tools, and practices that are free of legal, financial, and technical barriers and can be fully used, shared and adapted in the digital environment. In this Amigos Community Conversations event, Cheryl Casey, Open Education Librarian at the University of Arizona Libraries, and Jeanette Pierce, Associate University Librarian for Research, Access, and Instructional Services and Interim AUL for University Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Services at the University of Missouri – Columbia, will discuss how their libraries are sustaining and expanding open education programs.   This is an exclusive, no-charge event for Amigos Library Services members.