NISO Seeks Members for the Working Group to Develop Standard Metadata for Remediation of Content for Accessibility

Voting members of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) have approved the formation of a Working Group to refine and extend the metadata model developed in the Federating Repositories of Accessible Material for Education (FRAME) project, which will enable it to meet broader accessibility needs. NISO is currently seeking members from across the information community to join the resulting Accessibility Remediation Metadata (ARM) Working Group.

Voting Representatives, Have You Voted in the Amigos Elections?

If you are the Voting Representative for your institution with Amigos, you were sent an email on April 10th regarding the Amigos Member Business Meeting. The ballot for the elections was sent on Monday April 17th and votes are due by Friday April 28th.

Amigos Library Services and the University Libraries at Washington University in St. Louis Host Privacy and Learning Analytics Workshop

Amigos Library Services and the University Libraries at Washington University in St. Louis were pleased to host "Privacy and Learning Analytics: A Data Ethics Workshop for Library Professionals" on Friday March 31, 2023. The workshop, led by Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Professor & Coordinator for Research and Teaching Professional Development, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is part of the IMLS-funded Prioritizing Privacy project.

Reflections from ER&L Conference Amigos Scholarship Recipients

Amigos' sponsorship of the Electronic Resources and Libraries (ER&L) 18th Annual Conference provided free conference registration to staff from six libraries across the country – Nova Southeastern University Library, St. Mary's University, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, California State University, Los Angeles, East Texas Baptist University, and Salem College Library – access to e-resources management education.

Amigos Announces Candidates for election to the Amigos Board of Directors

The Amigos Library Services Nominating Committee has announced the slate of candidates for election in May to the Amigos Library Services Board of Directors. Candidate and voting information will be sent to the designated Voting Representatives of Amigos’ member institutions as part of an upcoming Call to Meeting.

Welcome! Amigos Cataloging & Metadata Trainer Andrea Cox

Amigos welcomes Andrea Cox as the newest addition to the team, stepping into the position of Cataloging and Metadata Trainer. Andrea was asked to share a little about herself with Amigos members and here is what she replied.

Amigos member research libraries gain access to Skilltype with new agreement

Amigos Library Services is making a first of its kind investment in increasing the capacity of its 500+ library members by implementing a multi-year partnership with talent management platform Skilltype. This partnership will provide access to a pilot group of research libraries to begin deploying a data-driven approach to organizational development. Initial pilot participants include Baylor University, Rice University, Southern Methodist University, Texas Christian University, Texas Tech University, The University of Texas at Austin, and Washington University in St. Louis.