Bedbugs remain a constant concern for libraries and other public spaces – and more and more it seems like a question of when, not if. Learn how bedbugs affect library facilities and collections today. Equip library staff and facilities managers with the training and strategies necessary to protect their library collections, patrons, and staff from the disruptions posed by bedbug infestations.
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This course consists of a 1-hour session.
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Sarah Kittrell is the Collection Development Division manager for the Wichita (Kans.) Public Library and author of "The Bed Bug Guide for Public Libraries". Sarah has served as her library’s pest management coordinator since 2012 and has amassed a lot of experience in the arena. While she hates bed bugs with a fiery burning passion, she is happy to share everything she's learned about them with other libraries who are just experiencing their first introduction or commiserate with those who have unfortunately already become familiar with the critters.